Teaching and Learning


We support teaching and learning through: 

  • Offering a variety of events, workshops and ongoing programs, and online resources; 
  • Helping educators and program teams develop evidence informed, inclusive, and strategically aligned teaching and learning practices and curricula;
  • Support for using educational technologies in courses and programs, including instructional design of distance and blended courses and micro-credentials; 
  • Using data in educational decision-making, including program enhancement, and learning analytics;
  • Recognition and development of teaching excellence, including teaching and learning certificates and teaching awards.
Much of our programming is customized to the specific academic unit or educator we are working with. If you, your college, or department need assistance with curriculum design, assessment, teaching strategies, or other aspects of teaching and learning, contact one of our staff below or email gmctl@usask.ca and we can start a conversation. Services are available to USask educators, including graduate students and sessional educators, free of charge.

Mission, mandate, and structure

Our mission is:

To aid USask educators and leaders to set the standard in learning by offering intentionally designed, supportive, and excellent learning experiences.

Our mandate is:

  • Supporting all USask educators in the continuous development of research-supported teaching and learning practices aligned with intended outcomes for student learning.
  • Inspiring and empowering the Indigenization of teaching and learning.
  • Helping USask educators use design, teaching, and assessment practices aligned with student engagement, well-being, access, and equity.
  • Achieving local and institutional aspirations in teaching and learning through delivery of professional learning programs, supports and resource materials for educators.
  • Facilitating flexible curriculum development, design, and renewal at the course and program level.
  • Enable ongoing, data-informed enhancement of teaching and learning.


The GMCTL has 3 key teams supporting teaching that sets the standard in learning for USask.

Flexible Learning Technology: The FLT team supports the design and delivery of technology-enhanced and flexible programs and courses through course and program design and support for educational technologies.

Teaching and Curriculum Development: The TCD team supports individual educators, departments, and colleges/schools with designing for, teaching for, and assessing for learning competencies and to meet learner needs through workshops, resources, one-to-one consultations, and facilitation of change processes. The team has responsibility for supporting USask strategies, like Indigenization or work in equity, diversity, inclusion, and access. The team offers certification in university teaching and recognition for teaching excellence.

Teaching and Learning Enhancement: The TLE team supports institutional processes related to data gathering and structures that support ongoing, systematic enhancement of teaching, like student course feedback, learning analytics, program enhancement, and peer review of teaching.


Dr. Wendy James
Director, Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning

Lana Elias
Manager, Flexible Learning and Technology

Dr. Sara Dzaman
Educational Development Specialist (Lead, Curriculum)

Darryl Isbister
Lead, Indigenous Education Initiatives

David Greaves
Lead, Teaching and Learning Enhancement

Ryan Banow
Educational Technology Coordinator

Stéphanie Baribeau
Coordinator - Online Support

Kurt Bergsma
Innovative Technologies Specialist

Dr. Roberta Campbell-Chudoba
Educational Development Specialist

Aditi Garg
Educational Development Specialist

Diana Hebig
(on leave) Program Assistant, Online

Kayleigh Kazakoff
Coordinator, Teaching and Learning Data Collection

Cindy Klassen
Development Team Assistant/Copyright

Robb Larmer
Coordinator, Instructional Technologies

Lyndon MacNeill
Program Assistant, Certificates and Off-Campus Programs

Julie Maier
Instructional Designer

Jamie Mayoh-Bauche
Educational Development Specialist

Anne-Marie Rollo
Educational Development Specialist

Heather M. Ross
Educational Development Specialist (Digital Pedagogies)