The University of Saskatchewan (USask) identifies strategic areas where it dedicates resources to prioritizing, growing or innovating in teaching practices. Each area identified here has specific goals and supports for departments and educators to enable ongoing development in teaching and learning.


USask is in the process of evolving its Academic Courses Policy and related procedures to respond to competency-based assessments, increases in digital forms of assessment, and the need for increased security of assessments given the widespread use of generative artificial intelligence. Learn about assessment principles that are the foundation of this change, as well as available supports.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

USask’s focus on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) has implications for how we teach and assess, so that all students can belong, be engaged, and have equitable outcomes. Learn what elements of teaching and assessment practices are related to EDI, and what supports are available to help educators focus on equity-deserving students.

Experiential Learning

Over 90% of USask students will engage in Experiential Learning (EL) while at USask, because it is critical that our graduates are prepared to be the graduates the world needs. Learn how practice, feedback, and reflection are critical elements of all types of EL at USask, and what our univerisity is doing to monitor and expand Experiential Learning within and beyond our professional programs.

Flexible Learning

We value students being able to learn in different modes and from different places. USask is expanding the number of courses offered in a flexible manner in response to increased interest from our student body. Learn the key elements of USask’s Flexible Learning Initiative and how colleges and schools are developing future-proofed programs.

Indigenization, Reconciliation, and Decolonization

The ohpahotân | oohpaahotaan (let’s fly up together) Indigenous Strategy for the University of Saskatchewan provides definitions created in collaboration with Indigenous Knowledge Holders and Elders. Learn how reciprocity of relationships and changes to instruction, assessment, and curriculum evolution provide opportunity for transformational change in support of Indigenization, Reconciliation, and Decolonization.


USask is committed to preparing graduates are actively solving one of the world’s most pressing wicked problems. Learn how the competencies needed to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are being advanced in courses across campus.

USask Student Competencies

USask graduates are distinguished by a common set of core competencies that embody what the world needs. Learn what those competencies are and what teaching practices help develop them.

USask Teaching Strategies blog
