The process of curriculum development presents opportunities and challenges. The GMCTL supports leaders and teams who undertake curriculum development and renewal projects. The following 4-step process makes educationally effective and timely curriculum change more likely to succeed.
Steps in the process
Download a PDF of the 4-step process, including actions to take within each step.
The 4-step renewal process works when each step is completed before moving on to the next.
Follow the steps in order to avoid confusion, isolation, unrealistic workloads, and delays. Utilizing this process will enable you as a leader to answer the following questions:
- How do we get started?
- In what order do we make our decisions?
- Who needs to be involved?
- How do we know when to move to the next step?
- How can we get this work done in a timely way and not sacrifice our educational vision?
Understanding the 4-steps
The process acts as a road map to curriculum development renewal. Each step considers important factors, who are the stakeholders in that phase, estimated timelines, and helpful tips to moving forward your renewal work. Expand each of the accordions below for an outline of each step including:

Determine that a curriculum initiative has the necessary support and structures that make it ready to proceed.
Key questions answered in step 1:
Who is involved in this step? Usually, formal leaders or an existing committee chair in the academic unit undertake this step, having exploratory and support-building individual and group conversations with faculty and other stakeholders.
How long does this take? 3+ months, depending.
Step 1 may occur organically over years as a program need emerges or more quickly as an accreditation visit or program review is anticipated, underway, or completed. Sometimes a crisis or major change in the environment brings readiness for change more quickly. Deciding how to structure committees and communication can be straightforward in some contexts; in others it may require significant consultation and endorsement by faculty.
Process Check
Is step 1 complete? Are you ready to move to step 2? Use this checklist to ensure all actions are completed in this step.
Support needs to be widespread, even if some elements are vigorously debated. To enter step 2 with confidence, faculty feedback in step 1 needs to reflect that processes so far have been valuable, transparent, and consultative.

Foundational decisions set a program design process up for success and manageability. Acknowledge requirements and realities that will help or hinder the process. Don't leave it to chance, envision the system for an aligned and effective curriculum change.
Key questions answered in step 2:
Who is involved in this step? A core team of faculty collaborating under the mandate of a committee or an academic leader (e.g., Dean).
How long does this take? 4-6 well designed meetings, over 2-6 months.
Timeframes for step 2 depends on the size and scope of the change. Foundational decisions should include input and perspectives from faculty who will be called on to approve and implement the curriculum. Input can be gathered through a retreat, a series of dedicated meetings, or discussion and endorsement at a faculty council meeting.
Process Check
Is step 2 complete? Ready to begin step 3? Use this checklist to ensure all actions have been completed in this step.
In steps 1 and 2, a few leaders or a core team may have done most of the work. Moving to step 3 means you are prepared to engage a larger group to work on curriculum design with a good understanding of both the need and direction for change.

Designing an aligned curriculum requires collective effort.
Key auestions answered in step 3:
Who is involved in this step? In steps 1 and 2, a few leaders or core team may have done most of the work, that likely included reaching out to stakeholders and faculty for important input and to provide details. At step 3, typically, a larger group prepared to do the work of curriculum design, comes together as a committee, or subcommittees, or breaks into working groups.
How long does this take? 4-24 months.
Again, depending on the size of the change and the frequency and effectiveness of meetings and other work, step 3 can require significantly more time than steps 1 and 2 as this is when the design itself is created. Faculty joining the process in step 3 needs to understand why a curriculum is not designed first, around content. Thorough completion of steps 1 and 2 makes understanding the work of step 3 more likely.
Process Check
Is step 3 complete? Ready to shift to step 4? Use this checklist to ensure all actions have been completed in this step.
Once a program design is fully described and the proposal has moved through the necessary approvals, the team can breathe a collective sigh of relief. The work of implementing the design comes next - building-in continuous improvement and evaluation to ensure the vision is sustainable and flexible enough for modifications.

Curriculum design is tested with actual educators and students. Adjustments are likely as the first group moves through the new curriculum.
Key questions answered in step 4:
Who is involved in this step? All faculty, instructors, staff and others involved in delivering the new or revised program.
How long does this take? 18 months to 5 years!
For smaller scale change the work is likely focused during the 4-6 months leading up to delivery, and in the first year of implementation. For new programs or significantly revised ones, this work likely continues until at least the first cohort graduates, meaning this step takes 4+ years.
Process Check
Ready to move to continuous curriculum improvement? Use this checklist to ensure all actions have been completed in this step.
Collective continuous improvement should be an ongoing process. Expect adjustments over the first few years of implemention.
Get support
For support or a consultation on this topic, reach out to the team at the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning.