Concern for a student

Student Affairs and Outreach - USask has a team of registered social workers who provide same-day, holistic and comprehensive support for students throughout their academic journey. Services include immediate support to students, crisis response, educational programming, and consultation with faculty, staff, community members, and students who are concerned about a student.

Student Wellness Centre - This team offers physical and mental health care to USask students and their dependents. Chiropractic, physiotherapy and massage appointments are available to USask students, staff, and faculty.

Appropriate use of pronouns

Recognizing and honoring students’ identities by using their chosen names and pronouns fosters a sense of belonging, which is crucial to their success in courses. Educators, teaching assistants, and staff can create an inclusive environment by employing inclusive and respectful language. See this document for resources and suggested language to support this practice.

Student accommodations

Access and Equity Services (AES) work with faculty to provide reasonable accommodations for students who experience barriers to their education on the basis of a prohibited ground(s), including disability, religion, family status, and gender identity. Log into PAWS to manage accommodation requirements for students enrolled in your classes and sort by accommodation status, automatically receive AES Letters to Professors, upload exams and instructions for invigilators, and view notes that student volunteers upload for your classes.

Academic skills development

The University Library provides resources, tutorials, and support services to help students build academic and literacies skills in areas such as research, writing, math and stats, studying, and first-year transition. Instructors are encouraged to direct students to these free programs, resources, and services and may request classroom visits or customized online materials tailored to their courses or students’ specific needs.

Career Services

Career Services works with colleges, departments, and instrutors to find new and creative ways to further enrich curricula, support student career development, and enhance the overall student experience at USask.

Get Help

The Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL) offers one-to-one consultations, workshops, and a variety of services to enhance teaching and learning at USask. We can support colleges, departments, faculty, sessionals, graduate students, and teaching assistants.

If you are unsure who to connect with for support, email our team.