Provincial and national teaching awards

Educators at USask are eligible under most circumstances to apply for these national teaching awards. In each case, institutional support of a nomination is required.

Lieutenant Governor’s Post-Secondary Teaching Award

Established in 2023, this award recognizes post-secondary educators who have displayed excellence in teaching and learning through a commitment to high-quality student learning experiences and a demonstrated record of innovation, leadership, and commitment to student learning and success.

3M National Teaching Fellowship

The 3M National Teaching Fellowship is Canada’s most prestigious recognition of excellence in educational leadership and teaching at the post-secondary level.

D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning 

An international award recognizing innovation in post-secondary teaching, the D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning, sponsored by D2L (Desire2Learn), celebrates and recognizes up to five post-secondary collaborative teams each year for their innovative approaches that promote student-centered teaching and learning.

Get Support

For information or support with teaching awards, connect with the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning.