The Award nomination submission collection period is currently closed. Please see below for details on each teaching award and when to submit a nomination package.

Institutional awards

USask Distinguished Teacher Award

Deadlines: February 15 and August 15 annually
Submissions: Email nomination packages to the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning.


USask Distinguished Teacher Award

Awarded twice annually, at both spring and fall convocations, the USask Distinguished Teacher Award represents the highest level of recognition of teaching excellence at the University of Saskatchewan. This award is open to all faculty members at USask.

We expect evidence of excellence in teaching would be gathered over at least five years of teaching, whether at USask or elsewhere.

Provost's Teaching Awards

Deadline: February 15 annually
Submissions: Nominations must be submitted using the portal linked below.

 (Note: The portal is only active during nomination collection period)


Provost’s Outstanding Teacher Award

Open to all tenure-track or continuing status faculty members who are beyond the first five years of their appointment at USask, including faculty who teach only graduate students.

Provost’s New Teacher Award

Nominees must be tenure-track or continuing status faculty members whose first faculty appointment is at the University of Saskatchewan and who are within the first five years of their appointment. Nominees will still be eligible if they have taught (as a graduate student or sessional lecturer) at USask or elsewhere prior to their initial appointment as a faculty member, so long as their first continuing faculty appointment is at USask. 

Provost’s Award for Collaborative Teaching and Learning

Awarded for collaboration by two or more instructors (may also include staff – but must have at least 1 faculty member) in the design and delivery of the project.  The collaborative initiative must be curricular and completed more than once.

Provost’s Graduate Student Teacher Award

For graduate students at any stage in their studies who have assisted teaching or co-taught for at least one academic term, and are registered as students during the term in which they are nominated.

Provost’s Award for Support of Teaching and Learning

All USask staff members who support course design and delivery, and instruction, who are not faculty, term or sessional instructors (for example: curriculum specialists, student advisors, librarians, career counsellors, and lab support staff). Nominations may come from outside the unit or department in which the nominee is employed.

Sylvia Wallace Sessional Lecturer Award

Deadline: February 15 annually
Submissions: Nominations must be submitted using the portal linked below.

 (Note: The portal is only active during nomination collection period)

Sylvia Wallace Sessional Lecturer Award

This award is for sessional lecturers at USask, including individuals who may be simultaneously studying at the graduate or post-doctoral level.

College-Level Teaching Awards

Each College and School adjudicates their own nomination submissions (check with your College/School for deadline) and then will submit a successful nomination package to the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning. 

Submission deadline: College or School shall submit to GMCTL by February 15 annually. Each College/School should submit their nomination using the portal linked below.

  (Note: The portal is only active during collection period)

Provost’s College Teaching Awards

This award annually recognizes teachers in each College or School at the University of Saskatchewan, who has demonstrated teaching excellence. These awards are selected at the College level.

One award may be allotted in each of the following colleges or schools:

  • Agriculture and Bioresources
  • Arts and Science: BA, BMus, or BFA Programs
  • Arts and Science: BSc Programs
  • Dentistry
  • Education
  • Edwards School of Business
  • Engineering
  • Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, School of Environment and Sustainability, and School of Public Health
  • Kinesiology
  • Law
  • Medicine and School of Rehabilitation Science
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy and Nutrition
  • Veterinary Medicine

Get Support

For information or support with teaching awards, connect with the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning.