Teaching support areas

The our teams offer a wide variety of programming, information, and resources to support colleges, departments, individual faculty members, instructors and grad students.

Browse the accordions listed below in teaching related topics to connect with our staff for support in that area.

We can help you with everything from designing a test or assignment to transitioning your department and college to a different assessment system.

Assessment design

Assessment philosophy

Assessment tools (rubrics, checklists)

Formative assessment

Question design

Online assessment and design

Outcome or competency based systems

Student self/peer assessment
(including assessment of peers in your group and assessment of the work of your peers)

Teaching Assistants (TAs) and marking

Polling tools for assessment

Active learning

Academic integrity & Academic misconduct

Consultations for design or teaching of STEM classes

Consultations for design or teaching of Arts and Humanities classes

Consultations for creating inclusive courses

Classroom observation

Data-informed Teaching Enhancement (student feedback, learning analytics, peer reviews, etc.)

Group work

Instructional / Course design

Online courses

Student-instructor relationships

Student Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)


Are you looking for more information on courses and workshops aimed at graduate students and postdocs? Are you new to teaching and already have some experience but want to learn more?

Connect with us!

Do you have a question about teaching portfolios, philosophy statement, or how to use feedback? Connect with our staff today!

Please visit the Experiential Learning page to discover information regarding this topic, funding opportunities, the priority areas, and other supports available at USask. 

To learn more, please connect with our staff below.

The Gwenna Moss Centre and Career Services offer workshops, non-credit courses, and resources for graduate students and postdocs who are new to teaching and for those who already have some experience but want to learn more. For more details please connect with our staff below.

Internationalization of teaching and learning is the infusion of global intercultural or international elements into curricular learning outcomes, content and learning resources, learning activities, and assessment tasks (including feedback) with the intent of developing different ways of knowing and learning, intercultural awareness, or intercultural competence in students. 

Are you looking for help to explicitly plan for and deliver increased equity, appreciation of difference and diversity, and inclusion within your learning experiences? Connect with our staff who can help you explore and select the instructional and assessment processes necessary to meet your needs and those of your students.

At USask, our approach is to gather information about our students’ academic performance as well as demographic and activity data that could pertain to learning success. In line with the institution's Learning Charter commitments, this data will be used to connect students with appropriate academic supports and services, to personalize their learning experience, and to improve our academic programs.

Learn more about Learning analytics work. For support please connect with our staff.

Open Educational Practices (OEP) are more than just open educational resources (OER) such as textbooks, slides, modules, and other freely sharable and adaptable learning materials. OEP also includes open pedagogy (students creating and sharing content instead of simply consuming it), open research and open access publishing, and open teaching (sharing with others your reflections and lessons on teaching).

Contact our staff if you are interested in finding out more about any aspect of OEP/OER and how to begin integrating them into your teaching and learning.

Academic program review or accreditation

Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund

Curriculum mapping

New program design

Online program design

Meeting design and facilitation

The Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning - Indigenous Education Initiatives team provides strategic and constructive support to academic leaders, faculty, and staff who are looking to develop or enhance their indigenization initiatives. Our consultations and programs are uniquely tailored to the specific needs of faculty, instructors or academic units. Please contact our staff below for more information on:
  • Indigenization advice
  • Indigenization courses
  • Indigenous knowledge and content
  • Indigenous pedagogy

The Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning provides free support to sessionals that is focused on course design, instruction, and assessment. Sessionals can access the following:

There are multiple teaching and assessment strategies that support academic integrity and reduce academic misconduct.

Strategies include:

  • Help students connect to the material; foster their interest
  • Design assessments that are more resistant to common forms of academic misconduct
  • Clarify expectations; recognize that misunderstandings are common in a new context
  • Teach skills necessary to meet expectations;
  • Build rapport and normalize help-seeking;
  • Address the academic misconduct you suspect early, while students can still self-correct
  • Reduce undue stressors for students--academic misconduct is often a decision taken at the last minute

Learn more at the Academic Integrity website: Integrity Matters

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) empowers learners to make informed decisions and take responsible actions for the 5Ps:

  • dignity of all People,
  • protecting the Planet from degradation through sustainable consumption and production,
  • Prosperity in economic and social terms,
  • Peace free from fear and violence, and
  • Partnership in global solidarity.

Learn more here

The USask Teaching Awards honour remarkable instructors at our institution. Learn more about award areas, the criteria of each and nomination processes, including deadlines. 

Learning technology encompasses the full range of tools and media that can be used to facilitate teaching and learning. USask and the GMCTL support instructors to create engaging learning environments and provides technology solutions to support educational experiences both in the classroom and online.

Vist the Learning Technologies Ecosystem (LTE) Toolkit website for a full list of technology tools for your classrom, tool evaluations, and teaching supports. 

(non-technical questions)
Classroom integration of technology
H5P online interactive activities
Mahara EPortfolio
(non-technical questions)
WordPress Blogs
(non-technical questions)

General Support

For teaching and learning help for specific topics, please browse the accordions above for direct emails to staff that can connect with you.

If you are unsure who to connect with, email GMCTL@usask.ca and we can help direct your questions!

Looking for a specific staff member?  See the GMCTL unit page with our staff listing.