
As part of the TA Success Series, we offer TA Success Days.

This event is a selection of short workshops, activities, and resources focused on developing specific skills and knowledge relevant to roles as a Teaching Assistant (TA). This event is offered bi-annually once in early September and again in January, typically scheduled over 2-3 days.

Tues, Sept 10 Weds, Sept 11 Thurs, Sept 12

8:45-9:30am - Orientation

9:45-10:45am - Facilitating practical labs for first-time TAs

9:45-10:45am - Grading essays & projects more easily and effectively for first-time TAs

11am-12pm - Introduction to lesson planning


1-2pm - Time saving essentials: Library services and support for you and your students

2:15-3:15pm - Clarifying academic integrity expectations for your students

3:30-4pm - USask TA Success Handbook - Tips for a successful experience

8:45-9:45am - Facilitating practical labs for experienced TAs

8:45-9:45am - Grading essays & projects more easily and effectively for experienced TAs

10-10:45am - Grading problem sets, labs, and exams faster and more effectively

11am-12pm - First Nation, Métis and Inuit ways of knowing, being, and doing


1-2:15pm - Professional relationships as a TA

2:30-3:15pm - Navigating Canvas for TAs

9-9:30am - What you need to know about Copyright

9:45-10:45am - Challenging conversations

11am-12pm - Facilitation tips for tutorials and seminars


Click on a title above to jump down the page to find session details. Registration is required in each session you wish to attend. Just click once on the button and the confirmation will be sent to your USask email address.

Tuesday, Sept 10

TA Success Days - Orientation

Time: 8:45 - 9:30 am
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Roberta Campbell-Chudoba

Welcome to TA Success Days! This introduction provides you the opportunity to meet other Teaching Assistants and have an opportunity to learn about the Teaching Preparation Certificate (TPC).

Facilitating practical labs for first-time TAs

Time: 9:45 - 10:45 am
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Elsa Van Ankum

Learn practical ideas for facilitating practical laboratory sessions and encouraging student engagement.

Grading essays and projects more easily and effectively for first-time TAs

Time: 9:45 - 10:45 am
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Wendy James

In this session on grading written papers and projects, you’ll learn tips for giving good feedback, being more consistent in grading, and managing your time. Come expecting to practice grading and share your ideas.

Introduction to lesson planning

Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Anne-Marie Rollo

Are you planning your own lab, tutorial, seminar or guest lecture? Join this session to become familiar with the BOPPPS lesson planning model so you can apply it to your own lessons.

Time saving essentials: Library services and support for you and your students

Time: 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: Murray Library, Room 161
Facilitator: Angie Gerrard and Candace Dahl

Don’t start from scratch! Save your time by learning about the academic skills resources provided by the University Library. Explore useful writing and research guides, videos, workshops, and the services provided by your liaison librarian.

Clarifying academic integrity expectations for your students

Time: 2:15 - 3:15 pm
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Susan Bens

Students encounter many different kinds of rules for completing assessments and it can get confusing for them. Join this session to think through how to clarify your role for Academic Integrity and how to clarify expectations for students.

USask TA Handbook - Tips for a Successful Experience

Time: 3:30 - 4:00 pm
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Roberta Campbell-Chudoba

Our handbook is filled with practical advice on being a TA - for TAs and your supervisor! This session gives the opportunity to discuss key sections through a guided activity. Bring a device to the session.

Wednesday, Sept 11

Facilitating practical labs for experienced TAs

Time: 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Location: Murray 50.12, GMCTL
Facilitator: Elsa Van Ankum

This session is for TAs who have previous experience in facilitating pracitcal labs. Come expecting to tips for facilitating labs from your peers, discuss strategies, and share solutions to common challenges.

Grading essays or projects more easily and effectively for experienced TAs

Time: 8:45 - 9:45 am
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Wendy James

This session is for TAs who have previous experience in grading essays or projects, you’ll learn tips for giving good feedback, being more consistent in grading, and managing your time. Come expecting to practice grading and share your ideas.

Grading problem-sets, labs, and exams faster and more effectively

Time: 10:00 - 10:45 am
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Ata Sojoudi

In this session, you'll explore and share strategies for grading to improve consistency and efficiency and you'll leave with concrete plans for what to do before you start grading, while you're grading, and after you wrap up.

First Nation, Métis, and Inuit ways of knowing, being, and doing

Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Darryl Isbister

Come and learn some things you may not know about First Nation, Metis and Inuit ways of knowing, being, and doing. This session will answer some common questions and also give you an opportunity to ask questions you have not been sure how to ask.

Professional relationships as a TA

Time: 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Ian Moy

Learn about your roles, responsibilities, and rights related to interactions with students, supervisors, professors, and each other through this interactive 75 minute session.

Thursday, Sept 12

What you need to know about Copyright

Time: 9:00 am - 9:30 am
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Shelby Sluth

Learn the what is copyright, why copyright laws exist, how do you know what can be distrubted to students, and who you can go to for help or with copyright questions about teaching.

Challenging conversations

Time: 9:45 - 10:45 am
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Heather M. Ross and Anne-Marie Rollo

Participants will be introduced to concepts to assist them dealing with challenging conversations they may face with students and supervisors. We delve into engaging professionally and respectfully with students, supervisors, and peers.

Facilitation tips for tutorials and seminars

Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Murray Library, Room 145
Facilitator: Aditi Garg

So you're asked to TA a tutorial or seminar. Should you 1) sit at the front of the room while students sit with their friends and don't do anything, or 2) structure the time just enough so that students feel supported and prepared for class. Come to practice simple strategies for running tutorials and seminars. Leave with facilitation skills.

Event support

Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL) - Email us if you require information or support for this event.

The GMCTL can also support departments with tailored sessions for TAs related to teaching and learning practices. If you are interested please reach out to