Student Learning Experience Questionnaire

The Student Learning Experience Questionnaire (SLEQ) is USask’s University Council approved tool for collecting course feedback from students. It includes both end-of-course feedback, and midcourse feedback partway through the term.

Positioning of SLEQ

SLEQ’s design is informed by current research on student course feedback, best practices in higher education, wide consultation with faculty across campus, and validation work with students. We recognize students as key stakeholders in teaching and learning but SLEQ designed with an acknowledgement of the limitations of their perspectives.

  • Students only ever have a complete window into their own learning experience, so all core questions are framed to only ask about what they personally experienced.
  • Students may interpret rating scales differently, so we cannot be certain about interrater reliability; it is their respective perspective and not a direct evaluation of teaching.
  • SLEQ feedback should be considered alongside other sources of evidence of teaching effectiveness, including peer reviews of teaching, self-assessments, and/or learner data.

Structural Features of SLEQ

There are many advantages to using SLEQ including:

  • A cascading survey design allowing for college, department, and instructor designed questions
  • Term-adjustable flexibility to handle complex and diverse course structures including questions specific to particular types of courses (labs, seminars, tutorials, etc.)
  • High quality, actionable feedback due to a redesigned and validated set of USask Core questions focused on enhancing teaching and learning as opposed to student satisfaction
  • Mobile access for survey completion
  • Formative mid-course surveys
  • Department/College configuration of course-level survey dates
  • Customizable reporting
  • Historical aggregate reporting showing institutional, college, and department norms as well as trends down to the course/instructor over each term

SLEQ includes both a mid-course and end-of-course survey. These are compared in the following table. Mid-course SLEQ is intentionally much shorter and simpler.

Mid-course SLEQ (optional) End-of-course SLEQ
Validated, USask-wide closed-ended questions 3 6
USask-wide open-ended questions 2 3
Instructor personalized questions 0-4, per course 0-4, per course
Results not shown to academic leaders; educator only.
College, School, and/or Departmental Questions No Yes, if submitted by unit
Optional modular question sets available No Yes
Optional context-specific course/instructor type questions (lab, tutorial, seminar, etc.) No Yes
Who receives results Individual educator only Individual educator Academic leader (department head, dean, etc.)

Due to licensing agreements, we cannot distribute our USask-wide survey questions beyond our institution. You will be able to view the questionnaire if you have a valid USask NSID in our Course Feedback PAWS channel.


History of SLEQ development

The chart below is an overview of the process that brought USask to our initial pilot of SLEQ. The timeline found below the chart includes the same details, but continues beyond the pilot up until the present.

Process for SLEQ

Process By TLARC Working Group
Summary Documents
  • Initial looking at policy led to discussion of how to measure, and what is meant by Teaching Quality.
  • Review institutional plans, policies, documents, learning charter
  • Identified changes needed in student evaluations
  • Initial development of Teaching Quality Framework
  • Review of best practices in student evaluation of teaching
  • Development of principles
  • Review of existing tools
  • Invited presentation on campus by eXplorance for their system Blue for faculty, staff and students in May 2017

Literature Review on SET

Principles for TLARC Working Group

Process for
TLARC Working Group

Comparison of available student evaluation question sets and of systems (can request)

Summary of Validity & Reliability study of the question set (can request)

  • Pilot SETLQ/BLUE
  • Council Approval - See item 12 and Appendix B

Pilot timeline and question structure (can request)

Council Minutes

2018/19 & 2019/20
  • Renaming of SETLQ to SLEQ (Student Learning Experience Questionnaire)
  • Implementation of the data integrity gateway (DIG) tool for department customization/selection of question sets, instructors, and questionnaire open/close dates
  • Staged Implementation of SLEQ (looking to support 10 – 15 new departments per term)
2020/21 & beyond
  • Accelerated implementation of SLEQ motivated by COVID-19 pandemic
  • In Spring 2021, interpolated median was added as a descriptive statistic to SLEQ reports alongside existing statistics
  • Online SEEQ availability was discontinued as of Fall 2022