Picture of Dr. Scott Tunison

Dr. Scott Tunison PhD Coordinator, Teaching and Learning Supports

Scott Tunison serves as Coordinator: Teaching and Learning Supports. In his present role, he focuses on supporting program evaluation, project management, and organizational effectiveness projects. He is also a Professional Affiliate and sessional lecturer in the Department of Educational Administration.  Previously, Scott served in a limited-term capacity as an Assistant Professor in the department of Educational Administration.

He has three degrees: Bachelor of Music Education (University of Regina/Campion College), Masters of Education – educational administration (University of Saskatchewan), and Doctor of Philosophy – educational administration (University of Saskatchewan).

His research focuses on evidence-informed leadership practice, strategic planning, and Indigenous education. He uses a broad range of qualitative research methods on their own and as part of mixed-methods investigations. Recent studies included investigations of district- and school-wide uptake of citizenship education instructional materials, strategies for assessing the efficacy of preK-12 school districts’ support of Indigenous students and families, and school teams’ use of data as evidence of progress. He has published an authored book entitled Cultivating Knowledge: Promoting Research to Enrich Everyday Practice which focuses on processes to enhance K-12 leaders’ use of academic research to inform their practice. He also co-edited Varieties of Qualitative Research - a primer for aspiring and practicing qualitative researchers. He has also published 13 peer-reviewed journal articles and six book chapters focused on diverse topics such as: reframing research ethics frameworks as guides for education systems’ use of data, K-12 leaders’ perspectives on honouring the best interests of children, educational administrators’ views of the value of academic research to guide their practice, developing community in online learning contexts, and processes for fostering and inspiring change and improvement in educational systems.