Chief Sakimay (Sah-ka-ma, Sah-kee-may) and his Cree followers signed Treaty 4 on September 15, 1874. When Sakimay passed away, the band was without a chief for many years; a young man (about 30 years old) by the name of Yellow Calf was their spokesman with the Indian Agent 1883. The reserve formed part of the western boundary of the Crooked Lake Reserves. Members of this band were the brothers and children of Chief Sah-kee-may with their families. The Sakimay Reserve is located 16 km northeast of Grenfell, and is the most populated portion of the land belonging to this band. The reserve area also includes the Shesheep, Little Bone and Minoahcuk reserves. The band’s total land base is 11,295.2 ha; it has a population of 1,340 people, 238 of whom reside on the reserve. Band infrastructure includes a band office, band hall, clinic, machine shop, trade shop, training centre, and maintenance buildings. Primary economic endeavours involve agriculture and tourism; a gas station and convenience store are planned on their urban reserve land in west Regina.

Christian Thompson