Information for educators that are teaching either on-campus or off-campus can be very similar in regards to policy and practices, however this page highlights factors that make off-campus teaching unique.

USask undergraduate classes are offered in cooperation with partners across the province. Each partner identifies USask classes and programs they are interested in offering at their locations. The Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning (GMCTL) works with the academic departments and colleges to coordinate these requests with available resources.

Become an instructor

Consistent with USask collective agreements and human resources policies, all employment opportunities are required to be advertised on If an employment opportunity is not listed, it is either filled or not currently available. The majority of Fall and Winter term instructional opportunities will be posted weekly in May each year; some posting may continue over the summer or into the fall.

Like appointments on campus, all off-campus educators are reviewed and selected by the appropriate USask department and/or college. Only fully qualified applicants who have completed a graduate degree, PhD preferred, in a relevant subject or related discipline and/or with relevant teaching or professional experience are considered for USask instructor appointments.

Most off-campus teaching positions are CUPE 3287 Sessional Lecturer positions and are posted on the USask Career Opportunities website. A complete application includes the CUPE 3287 Employment Application Form, clearly specifying the position(s) you are applying for, and a current curriculum vitae (if applicable).

  • Postings for the Fall and Winter terms begin being posted the first Wednesday of May and weekly thereafter.
  • Postings for the Spring and Summer term begin being posted the first Wednesday of February and weekly thereafter.

After postings have closed, the department/college will review applications and select the appropriate applicants. Once approved, the GMCTL will issue letters of offer to successful candidates. While the GMCTL will administer the details of off-campus delivery, all educators, both on and off-campus, are under the full academic authority of the relevant USask department and college, including: appointment and supervision; course content, syllabus, and textbook approval; expected learning outcomes; grading, etc. Payroll and expense reimbursement reporting will be administered by the GMCTL.

General information

Once you have been approved to teach at an off-campus site, you will receive a formal letter of appointment from the GMCTL. Even though you are teaching off campus, you are a USask employee and are accountable to your academic department and college and subject to all USask policies procedures.

Instructor (in consultation with the academic department)

  • Submit all required payroll information
  • Consult with the department to review the class syllabus, course content, learning outcomes and assessment
  • Submit a USask Bookstore textbook requisition
  • Instruct the class throughout the term
  • Administer/invigilate assignments and assessments
  • Grading and grade submission
  • All academic matters (in consultation with the department)
  • Issue appointment letters
  • Primary contact for HR matters (leaves, scheduling conflicts, etc)
  • Final exam scheduling (if applicable)
  • Review and approval of travel/expense claims
  • Primary contact for all financial matters
Off-Campus Partner (Regional College)
  • Class scheduling
  • Support for student admission and registration through USask
  • Provision and maintenance of teaching facilities
  • Provision and maintenance of audio-visual and/or multimedia equipment
  • On-site matters (not related to departmental academic authority or USask financial processes)

You will be provided an NSID (Network Services ID) and first-time password recovery information (if required) by USask IT to allow you access to USask systems.

PAWS gives you access to:

  • your USask email account
  • your class information and student lists
  • instructor services and grade entry
  • the Canvas learning management system
  • payroll information
  • expense claim submission

See the New Employees channel in PAWS for information on setting up your profile, required paperwork, email, Canvas access, and additional resources and support.

Most USask instructional appointments (non-Faculty) are in scope of the University of Saskatchewan Sessional Lecturers' Union (CUPE 3287). As a condition of employment for in-scope instructional positions, including off-campus appointments, you are required to apply for and maintain membership in CUPE 3287.

If a class must be cancelled on short notice (inclement weather, illness, etc.), please notify your students, the GMCTL, and the local University Coordinator at the regional college as soon as possible.

You should discuss cancellation procedures with the University Coordinator before the start of term. On the first day of classes, inform students of how cancellations will be handled; for example, sending a class announcement email. Students and educators are encouraged to regularly check PAWS for these and other USask announcements. As some students in rural areas may have to travel to attend classes, it is very important that a cancellation procedure is planned and discussed in advance.

It is your responsibility to advise the GMCTL if you are unable to instruct a class. However, should a situation arise where you are unable to teach a class for several consecutive occasions, it may be necessary to schedule make-up classes or to arrange for an alternate instructor. If you must miss more than one week, please also inform your Department Head. Depending on the nature and duration of the absence, a revised appointment may be required; please consult with GMCTL.

Depending on how often the alternate instructor teaches, it may be necessary to post the position to members of CUPE 3287; please consult with the GMCTL. Any alternate instructor must be approved by the Department Head and the GMCTL will then appoint the alternate instructor to teach the number of sessions designated as necessary by the Department Head.

Please contact the local University Coordinator to discuss local facilities and the location of your off-campus classroom. You can find the day and time of your class in the USask Class Search and relevant term dates in the Academic Calendar. Multimedia equipment may be available at each off-campus site; please reserve equipment with the local University Coordinator in advance.

Please contact the local University Coordinator to discuss local facilities and equipment. Educators may contact the GMCTL to discuss the photocopying of basic handout material to an extent consistent with the practice for similar classes on campus. If the copying needed for a class exceeds that amount, you should plan in advance to have course package materials available through the USask Bookstore.

USask payroll, less statutorily required deductions, is payable in accordance with payroll practices at the University of Saskatchewan. Payroll is processed twice per month through direct deposit, on or about the 15th and on or about the last working day of the month. All pay will be electronically deposited directly into the bank account that is associated with your employee records; cheques are not issued.

Class preparation

Teaching support

The GMCTL has a wealth of information on preparing to teach, class syllabus writing, teaching strategies, technology, copyright and much more. Review this website for resources are particularly useful for educators that are unable to attend face-to-face workshops.

Academic policies

Although there are many university-wide and college-specific policies that apply to teaching a USask class, the policies found here are especially relevant:

Department review

Arrange a meeting with the Department Head or designate to review and discuss your responsibilities, course content, class syllabus, assessments, etc.

Copyright compliance

The Faculty/Instructor Statement of Copyright Compliance is an annual digital sign-off for educators to promote awareness of the policy and produce evidence of the University's compliance process.

University Library

Distance and Distributed Library Services (DDLS) provides library materials to members of the University community, including students taking off-campus classes and the educators teaching those classes, through their University Library accounts.

Students are encouraged to use the services accessible through DDLS and other electronic University Library resources and collections. Please make every effort to inform your students that the University Library provides a number of ways to make library materials available to them and encourage them to take advantage of these services and resources.

Important dates

The USask Academic Calendar is the official listing of major academic events and deadlines for the academic year. Educators and students must become familiar with the important dates for the term; all dates and deadlines apply both on and off-campus.

Student assessments (assignments and exams)

All assessments (assignments, essays, quizzes, midterm exams, and final examinations) should be discussed and approved by the academic department head. Clear information regarding assessment types and details are required to provide learners with valuable information about course expectations. Your final assessment or exam must be approved by your department head.

Class syllabus

A syllabus allows an instructor to convey to students an overview of the key elements of a class, including what the students will learn, who the instructor is, how students will be assessed, and other important course information.

Your syllabus is a contract with the students and cannot be changed without notice. The Academic Courses Policy requires that on the first day of class you provide a class syllabus.

Note: After distribution, a syllabus may only be changed if no student in the class objects to such changes and the department head, or dean in non-departmentalized colleges, is notified. Otherwise, methods,modes, and timing of assessment for all assessments must remain as stated in the syllabus: no major graded assessment is to be newly assigned in a class and no changes to already set dates or the stated grade weighting of graded assessments is permitted.

However, it may be deemed necessary to revise a syllabus in ways that impact the methods, modes, and timing of class work (such as competencies, assignments, examinations, weighting of grades, etc.) to address emergency circumstances that may impact academic programming. Such changes will be permitted only if they have been approved by the dean's office of the college of instruction. The reasons for the changes to the syllabus will be communicated to the students affected.

First day of classes

At your first class, please review the following items with your students:

  • Distribute and review the class syllabus (department approval required).
  • Ask students to ensure they confirm their registration in the class in PAWS. Remind students that, should they need to withdraw for any reason, they must do so officially through PAWS to avoid academic and financial penalties.
  • Explain to students that they should not make plans for the final exam period at the end of term until they have seen their final exam schedule (if applicable). Deferred examinations are only granted for compassionate or medical reasons.
  • Inform students about the University Library and encourage them to review resources available to them off-campus, including writing and math help.
  • Ensure students are aware of Access and Equity Services and how it can assist registered students with reasonable accommodations to overcome barriers to their education.
  • Establish a procedure for short-notice class cancellations due to inclement weather, illness, etc.
  • Review the class schedule highlighting any important dates and deadlines.
  • Provide students with information on required textbooks available from the USask Bookstore.

Assessment of students

Your appointment includes teaching the class and all end-of-course work, including deferred and supplemental examinations and/or re-reads that students are entitled to receive. You are responsible for invigilating all examinations and grading all the assessments associated with your class.

Final examinations for off-campus classes will be scheduled by the University of Saskatchewan and must fall within the final examination period. Once scheduled, final exam information will be available to educators and students through PAWS. Once posted, exam dates and times cannot be changed without the consent of the instructor and all of the students in a class.

Please see the following information related to the scheduling of examinations as well as policies regarding all examinations including midterm exams.

A student who is absent from a final examination through no fault of their own, for medical, compassionate, or other valid reasons, may apply for a deferred exam. An application must be made to an academic advisor in their USask college within three business days of the missed examination. The college may also ask for supporting documentary evidence.

A student who becomes ill during a final examination or who cannot complete the final examination for other valid reasons must notify the invigilator immediately of their inability to finish. The student may then apply for a deferred examination. Please note that a student who completes an examination cannot apply for a deferred examination.

Please see the previous section for following information related to scheduling of deferred or supplemental examinations as well as policies regarding all examinations including midterm exams.

You are responsible for entering all final grades in PAWS through Grade Entry processes. Final grades in all classes are to be submitted by the instructor and approved by the department within five business days of the final examination (not including weekends or holidays).

Once you have submitted student grades, the grades will be reviewed and approved by the Department Head. Once approved, final grades will be published for students through PAWS.

A student who is dissatisfied with the assessment of their work or their performance in any aspect of course work, including a midterm or final examination, is permitted to pursue an appeal. Please familiarize yourself with policies and procedures for student appeals in academic matters.


University of Saskatchewan travel expense claims must be submitted through the Concur Travel and Expense channel in PAWS. Please refer to the off-campus Travel and Expense Manual provided to eligible educators at the start of each term.

Expense claims

Expense claims must be submitted monthly. Please refer to the off-campus Travel and Expense Manual provided to eligible educators at the start of each term. ConnectionPoint can also assist with submitting expense claim information when provided with the information highlighted in the manual.

Please submit your final expense claim as soon as possible after the final examination, especially for classes ending in April. The University's financial year-end is April 30 and claims are required to be submitted, approved, and processed before then. Late claims may not be eligible for reimbursement and may be denied.

Expense guidelines

For information on the types of expenses are eligible for reimbursement for university business, please see the USask Travel and Expense Guidelines.

A rental car can be arranged through the GMCTL using the USask corporate Enterprise account. If you choose to use your own vehicle, you will be provided the flat-rate for USask mileage reimbursement. This per-kilometer reimbursement addresses all related expenses including maintenance, insurance, damage deductible, etc.

To arrange vehicle rental please see the off-campus Travel and Expense Manual or contact the GMCTL.

Off-campus educators may be eligible for accommodation expenses when overnight stay is required due to special circumstances such as inclement weather, hazardous road conditions, etc. Educators without special circumstances are not eligible for accommodation expenses.

Authorization for these types of expenses must be obtained in advance, but reasonable allowances will be granted without advance authorization in cases of hazardous conditions. Please travel only when it is safe to do so and be aware of road conditions and travel advisories.


Lyndon MacNeill, Program Assistant, Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning