Smartwork is approved for academic use and is integrated with the LMS.

What is Smartwork

Smartwork helps students become better problem solvers. It offers a variety of interactive question types, extensive answer-specific feedback, instructor flexibility, and LMS integration.

What is a homework system?

  • Online tools that can grade questions asked to students as homework, track formative practice, or assess examinations.
  • Typically tied to or integrated with textbooks.
  • Faculty can often customize questions.
  • Can be commercial, student-pay systems or non-commercial (free) systems.

Why use a homework system such as this?

  • Homework systems are most useful in classes where students are problem solving (i.e. math, chemistry) and need immediate feedback about if they have completed the process correctly.
  • Homework systems are also commonly used to test recall.

What textbooks or publishers is this tool compatible with?

This platform is compatable with W.W. Norton (Publisher) science and economics texts.

What types of questions and answers does Smartwork allow for?

  • In additional to common question styles like multiple choice, Smartwork uses a variety of science-specific question types such as chemical equation, algorithm, and molecular drawing.
  • Gives answer-specific feedback, hints, and optional solutions to students to decrease conceptual errors in thinking during practice.

Support for Smartwork

Technical Support

(Why isn't this working?)

  Vendor Supported

Training Support

 (How do I learn to use this tool?)

  Vendor Supported

Teaching Support

 (How do I teach with this tool?)

College or Department Supported 

  • Teaching support may be available in your college. Please contact your College IT Coordinator for details.