When do you need to request a new LTE tool?

  • You intend to require students to use the software.
  • Students will be required to create an account to use the software;
    • Student interactions with the software will be used with/for assessment.

What should you do to request a new LTE tool?

1.  Review the list of approved tools to see if it is already approved, or may have an approved alternative.

2.  See this list of IT support tickets with technology reviewed and organized by: Approved, Approved with special conditions, and Not Approved. Use this list to search what has already been requested.

3.  Connect with your College IT coordinator to complete the Learning Technology Assessment Questions/Form (below).

Learning Technology Assessment Questions/Form

Please copy the below questions to an email and forward your answers to lte-request@usask.ca

Before new tools are added to the list of approved technologies in the USask Learning Technology Ecosystem (LTE), they are assessed for both pedagogical merit and technical appropriateness. You can see all currently approved and not approved tools by reviewing the LTE Academic Tools list (A-Z).





Requested software/technology tool:

Link to company website:

The questions you are answering here will be used to rate the tool using the LTE rubric. Feel free to answer in point form. 

  1. What do you want to do with this learning technology? What features are important and why?
  2. Compare this technology to other approved technologies with similar purposes. What unique need does this technology meet?
  3. How would the use of this tool help the university more fully meet the student outcomes described by the Learning Technology Ecosystem Principles?
  4. Is there anything else important about the tool or context we should know?
  5. Are students required to create an account in order to use this software? If Yes,
  6. a) Is there a Canvas integration available? (https://www.eduappcenter.com/)
  7. b) Is this software going to be used for assessment purposes?


Frequently asked questions

Typically, these tools do not require an assessment process as the potential risks to you, your students, or the university are low. However, if you use those tools to assess students, you should still complete the technology assessment process. Please read the general guidelines for unapproved technologies so you can take actions to protect everyone involved.

You will automatically be referred for a technology assessment when your reimbursement is submitted to ConnectionPoint. Next time, please complete the learning technology assessment process in advance so you don’t run the risk of needing to personally pay for a technology the university cannot legally approve. Sometimes, a technology may be approved for your use for a year if there is a better alternative but the risks to privacy and security are in the acceptable range.

Ideally, about three weeks, but we recommend you plan to use tools well in advance and consider alternatives thoughtfully, rather than selecting something you’ve heard about but not tried. Completing the process may reveal there are privacy or security issues with the technology you’ve selected, or that there are similar technologies on campus that use the single sign on (your PAWS login) and have support in case your students or you need help. Leaving enough time allows you room to adjust your approach.