
Learners create and control spaces for learning, understanding and retaining ownership, and purposefully choosing how and when they share. Technologies play a role in supporting student ownership and control by:

  • Allowing authors to choose from multiple licences, including create commons licences that permit remixing and traditional copyright that prevents it
  • Providing default opportunities to share that are accompanied with prompts about sharing permissions
  • Give clear, easy to understand information about how user data is being used and shared
  • Making it easy for students to extract personal work product and take it with them without violating copyright of others (archiving, saving, and exporting)


Thanks to local partnerships, Chris has their students edit the websites of local non-profits to better reflect a mix of Western and Indigeous worldviews on public health issues. The students research protocols for including local knowledges and identify potential areas of difficulty to discuss with their non-profit partners. They embed some “how-to” guides licenced with a share-alike licence so that people are free to print and distribute them as much as possible, and they can be updated by other partner agencies. Chris is proud to see their students develop widely applicable skills and make a difference in their community, and encourages each one to take samples of their own work to add to personal portfolios.

Breadth of Options (3E)

Below are examples of using learning technologies to help students control and own their learning. Learn more about the 3E framework.




Students create openly licensed materials on public health issues in partnership with local communities.

In addition to creating the openly licensed materials on public health issues in partnership with local communities, students create resources on how open licenses work, how to adapt the work they’ve created, and how they determined which knowledge can be included.

Students create or contribute to an open repository the end product of their work that can be built upon by future classes and accessed by the public, including all past, current, and future students in the course.

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