Cengage Mindlink is approved for academic use by request only and require additional payment at the college or school level.

Please contact your College IT Coordinator (log in required). 

Why use a homework system such as this?

  • Use the system to encourage preparation before class to allow class time for active learning, including practice and discussion 
  • Use for follow-up to classes with exercises and questions where students can practice skills and receive immediate feedback. Students can read, watch demonstrations, and work to mastery levels with questions in these responsive systems, to advance and cement their learning. 
  • As the systems have robust question banks, it allows students to practice on a variety of questions - and allows instructors to assign different questions for every student. 
  • The wide range and level of assignments, questions, labs, and problem allows choosing items to precisely align with learning outcomes. 
  • Software analytics drill down into question by question results, which instructors can use to inform their teaching.

Best Practices



 Offer students opportunities to prepare for learning and practice skills.

 Assume that every student can/will pay for the software/textbook system.

 Review analytics by question to see where to focus future instruction.

 Offer students a practice exam using the tool and the specific features you are using before the actual exam. before the actual exam.