Teaching Skills Short Course


The GMCTL offers this short course to support faculty members, instructors and staff teaching USask students. Your participation in this interactive course will facilitate: 

  • familiarization with essential teaching theory and practices (including writing learning outcomes and creating lesson plans) 
  • growth in your ability to provide constructive feedback 
  • an increase in your skills and confidence in implementing educational theories by teaching two 10-minute “mini-lessons”, and receiving facilitated feedback from your peers 
  • the development of skills for setting goals related to your teaching practice and critical self-reflection 
  • the development of supportive relationships with teaching peers across campus 

What to expect: 

The short course is offered in 4 half-day sessions and uses an experiential learning approach.  

  • Sessions 1 and 3 take place in a large group (approx. 12-20 participants) 
  • You will participate in learning activities that introduce you to teaching concepts and strategies, including formative assessment 
  • You will prepare your lesson plans for your mini-lessons”
  • Sessions 2 and 4 take place in small groups (approx. 4 participants) 
  • You will conduct two 10-minute mini-lessons (1 per session) 
  • You will receive verbal, written and video feedback from the other participants who have taken on the role of learners in your mini-lessons 
  • You will also set, reflect on, and refine teaching goals 

The workshop encourages reflection and examination of one's teaching practices with feedback focused on the teaching and learning process rather than on the specific content of the lesson.  


Certificate in University Teaching and Learning Connections: 

  • 2.1.3 – I select active & engaging instructional strategies aligned to an outcome and intended assessment. 
  • 2.3.1 – I use formative assessment to inform and adapt course/lesson design. 
  • 4.2 – I make appropriate changes back on feedback. 

Timing: 4 half-day sessions (can be consecutive days, alternating days over to weeks, or one session per week for four weeks)


 If you are interested in this course, please email the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning. 

See other GMCTL Courses, workshops and programming, check out the Educatus blog for helpful posts on teaching and learning, or connect with the GMCTL team for support.